Collection: STK /STL (about 1 400 000 chemical substances that are on shelf and are waiting to be delivered to you). We don’t split the whole collection into the subsets allowing you to make a “Cherry Pick” from the whole scope of available items.
However if you are searching for to purchase preselected diverse library or scaffold based (included or non-included in MDDR) set let us know. We are in collaboration with high expertise scientific group who can produce such a set on the basis of your own even very sophisticated criteria as a specially tailored database for you.
Description: Stock of synthetic organic compounds for biological screening and lead optimization.
Samples format: Dry powder 1-200 mg in various vials/tubes/plates. Dry powder 3-200 umol in various vials/tubes/plates. DMSO solutions in 384 well COC Microplate, Low Dead Volume, Clear, Flat Bottom or in 96 well Matrix plates with 1.4ml removable tubes .
Molecules to select. Register at this web site or inquire This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for individual Login to get access to the full scope of our products.
Specially tailored databases can be provided as per your individual criteria and terms (send request to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).
Delivery: Quick courier delivery (FedEx, UPS). Structural data (SD file), packing details (xls.file) and MSDS for all shipped compounds are provided along with each package.